Thursday, December 18, 2014

house for sale

that thunder
that you hear is really
the unbalanced
washer that I
over loaded
with heavy clothes,
no need to worry,
it will settle down
when they all get wet
and go through
a spin cycle,
and that rain, well
it's not rain at
all, but the leaky
toilet off
the bedroom that
keeps refilling and
because of a small
leak in
the red gasket that
never seals completely
down. oh, and
the vibration
of the floor, ignore
that too, just a minor
thing when the pipes
have a pocket of
air that can't
makes it's way through.
but all in all
it's a good house.
and I'm firm
on the price.
just one more thing,
those cold clouds
of air
in the bedroom, that
give you a chill when
you pass your hand through,
that's nothing,
just an occasional
haunting from all the past
owners who have died
in there.

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