Friday, February 1, 2013

the new you

tired of being who you
are you decide to change
your hair style.
grow a few strands
and dye them black,
comb them over from
one ear to the next.
you buy a new set
of clothes, shoes,
a bolo tie perhaps
will become your trademark,
a pinky ring.
you even practice
you grow a mustache
and talk in a deeper
voice. you give yourself
a nickname. only
answering to mr. big.
it's a silly name,
but you are going
to force people to use
it, or ignore them.
you are taking control
of your life.
not settling for luke
warm coffee, or
burned toast.
the new you will get
things done, no more
being pushed around
by children and the women
folk, or men with
badges. this could
be exhausting.

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