Saturday, February 16, 2013

go home now

there will be
long arduous delays
and detours
the sign reads
flashing yellow
along the highway.
take another route
says the overhead
sign near the bridge.
what are you doing
out in this
weather, you
morons, says a placard
being held
by a traffic cop
in winter
gloves and hats.
go home, go home
says a man
on a hill with a
megaphone. get your
milk and toilet paper,
your bags of
potato chips
and go home. what's
wrong with you people
says the banner
being dragged
by a choking
piper plane in
the snowy sky.
even the deer on
the side of the road
with squirrels
and snow covered
rabbits are laughing
pointing with
their furry
paws as the cars
spin and spin
on the black ice.

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