Friday, November 16, 2012

tequila sunrise

you struggle to
put on
your cowboy boots
to go square dancing up
at the local
watering hole.
you've gone every
friday night
since jimmy
carter was in office.
she's wearing
her daisy may
dress, embroidered
with roses
and petunias.
her hair is high
up on her
head like lightly
buttered popcorn.
she's looking in
the mirror, tapping
the bottom of her
chin, and spreading
the crows feet around
her eyes. do you
think i should get some
of that botox,
she says, snapping her
gum. she turns around,
hands on her hips,
come on cowboy,
she says
i don't want
to miss the first
dance. come here
and give my
boot a push, would
you hon, you tell
her, i think my
feet got bigger
they swelled up
for some reason.
i don't have the strength
to get them on.
okay, she says, and
don't forget to take
your pills.
your cane is by
the door.

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