Friday, April 22, 2011


you are out of
words, out of breath
trying to explain
yourself, bringing
the Christ in you
out of hiding. it's
hard to sin with
a cross upon your
chest, while on
your knees with ashes
smudged black upon
your forehead.
and your faith is as
thick as thieves.
as wound tight around
you as a boa about
to strike. you
hold fire to your
chest and expect
to be saved, and
saved again. and
yes. forgiveness
is seven times
seventy, and for
all of this repitition
of failure and
remorse, repentance
and forgiveness.
your heart sinks
daily but in
the ressurection
you find grace,
and you are relieved
without merit.
undeserved, you
are free.

1 comment:

lgsbowen said...

Oh. Wow. Thank you.