Saturday, August 6, 2016

hot yoga class

you sign up for a hot yoga
in the city for no other reason
to lose weight and get
in better shape.
it has nothing to do
with thirty or forty
women in yoga
standing on their heads.
you buy a blue mat,
because, well
you are a boy.
you bring a bottle of water,
and a note from your doctor.
you find a spot in the back
of the class, stretch out
your mat
and roll your arms around
in the air to get ready.
you touch your knees,
then shake your legs out.
a piece of paper is stuck
to one sneaker, so you get rid
of that quickly.
you want to take
it slow and observe,
see how it goes.
already you're sweating.
you can't understand
why there are no
fans blowing, no ac,
no windows open.
why hasn't someone put out
a bucket of ice,
or a cooler of beer.
it's hot as hell in here.
thank god you have a head
band on,
and wrist bands
and thoughtfully wore
gym shorts that still fit
from high school, although
a little snug in places.

1 comment:

Di said...

You practice yoga barefoot not in sneakers.