Wednesday, December 12, 2012


the bartender sees you
walk in and sets up
your usual drink
of a dry martini
with an olive.
you throw it down
and tap for another.
tough day, he says.
tough life, you reply
back. but things will
change. you sip on
the second drink feeling
the quick spin of
the first. i'm reading
this book about
how to get everything
in life you ever
wanted. it teaches
you how to visualize what
you want. and poof,
you've got it. just think
it and voila, there
it is. i've been visualizing
a mercedes and a million
dollars lately.
sounds like a great book,
the bartender says,
mopping the bar with rag,
can i borrow
it after you're
done with it. i need
a new lawn mower. sure, you
tell him. the pages
might be a little crimped,
i like to read in the tub.
you finish off the rest
of your martini. another,
he says? sure, you tell him.
hey who's that blonde
in the corner over
there putting on lipstick,
never seen her
in here before.
yeah, she's new. she's
from texas, look at the hair.
i could introduce you.
nah. i'm going to close
my eyes and visualize
me and her together, you'll
see how this all works.
okay, he says, i'll
leave you alone for
a few minutes while
you do that.

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