Tuesday, December 11, 2012

botox for pups

when you get home from work
your dog, moe, is on the couch
watching tv with the remote
curled between his paws.
he tries to flip it
off before you see him
but it's too late.
what in the world are
you doing? you say to him.
he wags his tail
and points to the tv,
and then to the laptop
sitting next to him.
it's a dr. phil show on
botox. not just for people
is the title of the show.
animals too can get it.
they have an iguana
and a wild turkey on there
with before and after
photos. they definitely
look a lot younger.
moe shows me online that
pet smart is having a free
one time botox injection
for pets. but, but you
stammer. he sits up on
his hind legs and puts
his little paws out. i'm
at that age, he says,
where other dogs are
looking right through me,
like i'm invisible.
you check the wrinkles
around his eyes and
mouth. okay, okay, i
guess you could use some
adjustment here and there.
i'll take you, but no
more tv and internet
when i'm not home.
the last time you were
goofing around on
here, i got a virus
from you looking
at parisan alley cats.
i'm going to check your
history right now,
give me that laptop.

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