Sunday, March 8, 2015

the rose wallpaper

the man asks his wife
if she remembers when he was
in korea, during the war,
and how he wrote
her letters. love letters
you think, it's his wife, you're not
sure, but there you are
listening, not seeing a ring
on any hand,
not knowing who's crazy
or isn't. she smiles
and nods. none of this has
anything to do with why
you are there, but he goes on
and on about this war.
he brushes back his thick
grey eyebrows with a finger
as he talks more about
these letters, then stops.
no one says anything.
you go back to work.
she goes down the stairs.
he says something to you
about a dog he once had
when he was a child. he asks
if you have a dog, you say no,
as you begin to smooth out
the long sheet of roses
onto the wall,
pushing the air from
side to side. easing
the wrinkles away.

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