Wednesday, March 4, 2015

in a grey suit

you see a man following you
as you get off the bus.
he's careful not to get too close.
he looks like you, a briefcase
in his hand, his hair
combed, his suit grey,
the same as yours.
he has a blue tie like
you, you turn back to watch
him as he stops and waits
for you to go on. you want
to shout out and ask him
who he is, but you don't.
you continue home.
he follows you, he comes in
and does what you do.
he kisses your wife.
he hugs your children.
he sits at the table
and eats with you.
he's just like you.
you have forgotten who
you were after all
these years.
you have become this stranger
in a grey suit.

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