Friday, November 4, 2016

waiting in the car

I used to wait
in the car for my wife.
the bags in the trunk,
the boy in his car seat,
the dog,
barking out the window.
I started the car,
turned on the radio,
skimmed a map,
tapped my fingers against
the wheel.
what is she doing?
my son asked. what's
taking her so long.
she's getting ready, I
told him.
you get used to it.
be patient.
hair, clothes, make up.
he groaned and rolled
his eyes.
then looked at me
in the rearview mirror.
there was a long
quiet pause as we both
looked at the door for
her to finally come out.
it seems, he said, nodding
to himself, that women
use make up to trick
hmmm. I said, interesting.

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