Saturday, February 5, 2011

the rent is overdue

tomorrow you
need to move out,
the landlord says.
your rent is way
overdue, and i
don't like the
company you've
been keeping lately.
i can smell
the smoke all
over the building,
and what's that
he says this
through the thin
wood door as
he rattles the old
knob and knocks
hard with his
fist. i want you
out, do you hear me
and your girlfriend
too. she's nothing
but trouble. and you
yell back, she's
not my girlfriend,
she's my friend
who happens to be
a girl. which
doesn't go over
well with gina
who's lying there
smoking a cigarette
in her underwear,
and shaking her head
of long black hair
like amy winehouse.

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