Tuesday, May 1, 2018

the egg moon

I was talking to myself
the other day.
we had a deep discussion
about life, death, love,
all that heavy stuff
that no one talks about
anymore unless
you're in therapy, or
on the other side
of the screen at confession.
we had a good talk. me
and myself.
we've disagreed on so much
at times, but in this
conversation we both
agreed that life is tough
and we're all dying.
some faster than others.
we decided to try and be
happier and to not to worry
so much about things
we have no control over.
we shook on it.
afterwards we went out
for a drink, a steak
and a potato, a nice green
salad, and a slice of cherry pie
for dessert.
relaxed and full,
I felt better as I walked
home under a shiny
egg moon, as beautiful
a moon as I've ever put my
eyes upon.

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