Friday, October 27, 2017

bring a friend

my therapist
wants me to come in more often.
she wants
a new car to go along
with her new boat
and new vacation home
down by the river.
she's house poor at the moment
and needs
a little more
therapeutic dough.
aren't you still confused
about your mother
and father she says.
I mean did they really
really love you?
don't you feel emotionally
distraught over
the estrangement with your
no I reply. i'm good.
everything is great right now.
but, but
you don't even have a dog
at the moment,
what's up with that?
you need to come in. really,
you need to come in,
maybe for a double session.
it's for your own good,
bring a friend,
a really troubled one,
if you can.

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