Saturday, July 9, 2016

what are we living for

I thought you were on a diet,
she says to me,
as she sits down
with an ice cream cone,
a double scoop of what looks
like rocky road
and mint chip,
each of us tapping our
cones together
before commencing with
with long licks.
yeah, mine starts after
this cone, I tell her.
as soon as I unwrap
that little piece of paper
off the bottom
of my sugar cone
and eat the little pointy end.
it's summer,
it's hot and I want ice cream.
I mean what are we
alive for if we can't
have an ice cream cone.
i'll lick to that she
says, bumping her cone
against mine again.
there's a drip on your shirt,
she says,
making me look down,
then tapping my chin with
her hand.
gotcha, she says. made
you look.

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