Sunday, July 3, 2016

the new religion

she holds up two
luscious red tomatoes, fat
and juicy, right of the vine,
you can smell
that real tomato smell
when she dips one towards
your nose at the farmers market.
she's an evangelist for
organic fruit and vegetables,
standing on a soap box
preaching soil and water,
seeds and love.
get down on your knees
brothers and sisters and dig the earth.
come to the church of organic
farming. throw down your chemicals,
your sprays, your anti biotics.
sin no more with your
hybrid corn, your altered
grains, your fattened cows
and chickens.
let those chickens roam free
my troubled friends.
for just five dollars, one
five dollar bill
you too can taste the salvation
of a home grown
hot house tomato. step right up
and taste the glory,
let the juices dribble down your chins.
we'll wait for you as you rise
from your seats and come forward.
don't be shy. sin no more with
your store bought demonic produce.
can I get an amen?
cash, credit or checks are welcome.

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