Saturday, July 16, 2016

The IRS tax scam

I can't resist calling
back the IRS scam on the telephone.
I take the number
down and return the call.
I am told that I am being sued
for tax evasion.
the high pitched voice
on the other end wants to know
my name, my social security number.
I tell him my name is jimmy hitler.
okay jimmy he says, then
explains how
I've been caught cheating on
my taxes and must make
restitution to keep me from
going to prison for years
and years.
I can hear a warehouse of chatter
in the background,
the dry winds
and baying of strange animals
of a foreign land.
I ask if I can bring him cash
in a bag, or a wheel barrow,
to pay off my debt,
which surprises him.
if salivating made a noise, it
would be the noise that i'm
hearing now.
he tells me to write my claim
number down, and a series of other
numbers which indicate my guilt.
this goes on for twenty minutes
as I make a sandwich in the kitchen
and put some coffee on.
I see a line of black ants
crawling across the floor
carrying great loads of sugar
granules, so I hang up the phone
to take care of that.

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