Thursday, July 14, 2016

let us pray

it's awkward at times
people want to pray together,
joining hands,
bowing heads
in a circle, or at a table
before a meal. happily
it's never me that leads the way.
I always look around
to see who
is or isn't praying,
squinting my eyes
checking everyone out
to see who might be a heathen.
I feel uncomfortable holding
hands with people
I don't know very well,
or even with those
that I do. my palms sweat
and I want to scratch my forehead
for some reason.
sometimes the prayer goes
on too long,
thanking God over and over again
for every little thing
under the sun,
while the food sits on the table,
hot and steaming
under our noses.
but I wait until the amens,
are said, mine included,
then dig in.

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