Thursday, January 21, 2016

the new cutting board

my new cutting board,
sitting close to my sink,
but not too close
because I don't want to get
water on it,
is beautiful.
sheesham wood, stained
and glossy.
it had a nice tag on it
telling me where it was made
and how it didn't hurt
the amazon jungle one bit
when it was carved
out of a thirty foot tree.
I can't possibly cut
a piece of cold
chicken on it let alone
dice a stalk of celery,
not that I eat
celery, but it's a
beautiful piece of wood.
it's heavy and thick.
I think about it
all the time when I leave
the house
wondering if it's too
close to the window,
the sun making it fade
in color or shine.
what if someone looks
in and wants to steal
it, what then? maybe I
should get two,
one for safe storage.
I have fallen in love with
my indian rosewood
cutting board.

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