Tuesday, December 29, 2015

everyone suddenly got old

you call your old friends
to ask them out to dinner,
people you've known for years.
you hear a chorus of 'I don't know,'
it's kind of late and it's so far to drive,
it might rain, it's windy.
it's cold. I don't drive well in the dark
with these eyes.

what about black ice?
do they have valet parking,
would you mind picking me up?
is it gluten free. i have special
dietary needs now.
is it noisy in there?
I can't go if it's too noisy.

I want to sit at a table, not
a booth, but not near the kitchen,
I can't slide in and out
of a booth anymore, especially
if I have to go to the bathroom
and you know about my knee.

do they have an early bird special?
who else is going, do I know them?
I don't like to meet new people. 
and I can't go if betty is going.
I still hate her. if I have to sit next 
to a republican i'll never forgive you.

what should I wear,
is it casual? if it's not casual
I have nothing to wear.
my cardigan is in the cleaners.
I have to find a sitter for my cats. 
they don't do well 
if i'm gone too long.

do you think we'll be done by nine,
my show comes on at nine,
plus I have to take my pills
at that time. put me down
for a maybe. can i let you
know tomorrow? call me,
don't text.i have to go, someone
is trying to reach me
on the other line.


Di said...

Old people are not Democrats. Change this line to "Democrat" and it would make more sense. You know the old saying --if you are not a Democrat when you are young you have no heart, and if you are not a Republican when you are old, you have no sense. Just trying to keep your poem real. Have a great New Year.

Sara Leigh said...

Ditch those friends! Let's go cut a rug!