Tuesday, November 17, 2015

not taking new patients

the doctor you want is no
longer taking new patients.
you stare at her photo. her long
red hair cascading down
her starched
white coat. a stethoscope
hanging around
her neck.
she seems smart and kind,
you gather this from her eyes,
her bright smile.
the way her hand leans
against her desk.
she seems relaxed and ready
to help you.
specifically you.
behind her is wall of awards
and degrees.
you wonder why she is not
made queen of medicine, but
no, she's too busy to help you.
instead, you get
Sharma. a man, a former goat
who looks confused, as if
he smells something burning
that he left
in the oven too long.
he has the hands of a meat
cutter, thick and gnarled like
a butcher in hells kitchen,
there is a stain on his white
coat. blood?
gravy? maybe. he wants to be
paid in flour
and milk. blankets.
balls of string.

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