Friday, October 23, 2015

dinner at eight

i'm slicing up some cold cuts
right now,
she tells me
on the phone, do you like yellow
or white
American cheese. get down cats.
sorry, some of my cats were on the counter
pawing at the meat.
is French's mustard okay?
and I only have saltine
crackers, no bread, hope that's okay.
i'm watching my gluten intake.
my metabolism is out of wack these
days. my doctor says that it's mostly
water weight, but I may need my
meds adjusted.
i haven't gone to the bathroom
in weeks. well, anyhoo,
bring an appetite,
oh and i have pickles too.
do you prefer sweet gherkins,
or dill, I may have
some butter dills
in there as well.
and what would you like to drink?
I have water. I have pabst
blue ribbon
beer and tequila that someone
gave me a few years ago
when they went to mexico,
or was it new mexico.
I have a box of wine
on the balcony where we can sit
and eat, talk. get to know one
another. oh and
for dessert, I have Halloween
candy. I figured you might
have a sweet tooth, just
a hunch. your choice.
almond joys, or reese's peanut
butter cups.
the small fun size of course,
like me. lol.

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