Wednesday, September 23, 2015

down the hall

someone is cooking
meatloaf down the hall.
onions. carrots.
perhaps string beans.
maybe they have a boiling
pot of water
on the stove too.
the potatoes sliced
and ready.
salt and pepper might
be involved.
butter. cream.
you pass your door
and lean into the smell
of meatloaf
that's flowing in the air.
you remember it when you
were a child.
you inhale
and put your nose against
the door. maybe your mother
is in there.
at the stove. her red and white
checked apron tied around her.
maybe your brothers and sisters
are gathered
in their chairs.
there is cold milk in every glass.
you want to knock.
you want to go in and sit
down at the table.
take a knife and butter
a flat piece of
white bread while dinner
is served.

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