Saturday, March 21, 2015

i'm over him

he lied, he cheated, he had a second
wife and family, one that no one knew
about, and of course not me. but i'm
over that, over him. over that life
we had, such as it was. she tapped
the bar and another drink arrived.
she clinked your glass with hers,
sipped, then nodded her head, yes.
i'm over him. it's been twelve years.
twelve years and two months,
thirteen days. I hardly ever think
about him. she drank some more.
still nodding. you have to move on,
she says. you can't let the past
weigh you down. what people do to you.
I can forgive, but i'll never forget.
I don't want to make the mistake
I made before. but i'm over him.
that bastard. did I tell you about
the time he forgot my birthday,
or the time he called me by another name?

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