Sunday, December 21, 2014

job interview

where do you want
to be in five years
the interviewer asks you
as he stares at your application
form for a job
you don't even want.
close your eyes, he says.
take your time
before you answer.
relax and think about it.
you close your eyes
and a smile creases your face.
I'd like to be married
to amy adams, you say.
living in Malibu
with maybe a condo
overlooking central
park to visit once
in a while. what?
the interviewer says.
who is amy adams?
she's been in a lot of movies
lately. American
Hustle for one. cute
little perky redhead.
I think I love her.
okay, okay. the interviewer
says. be serious.
do you really want this job
or not?
I'm not sure. I've just
been bored lately
and thought maybe I'd do
something crazy
like get a real job
instead of what I do now.
how's the coffee here?

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