Friday, December 19, 2014

i want to be wooed

i want to be wooed,
she says to you
while kicking off her
and lighting a cigarette.
can you smell that,
she says, holding
her feet closer to her face.
her flexibility is amazing.
I've been working all day
in these damn platform
shoes and hose. maybe i'll take
a shower. do you have soap?
i feel like burning
these clothes, they are wet
on me.
yes, you tell her.
down the hall. soap,
shampoo, all that kind
of stuff. clean towels too
in the closet.
thanks, she says, blowing
a series of jaw
cracking smoke rings
towards the ceiling.
we women like to be wooed.
i don't know exactly what
that means you tell her,
holding your nose.
women want to be won over,
showed that they are
adored and wanted.
we need a little red
carpet sometimes. do you
know what i mean?
maybe, you tell her, watching
as she drags her nails
along the bristles
of her legs. hey,
i have a razor and
shaving cream in the shower
too, if you need that.
i'll open a bottle of wine
while you bathe.
am i wooing now? it feels
like i am a little.

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