Wednesday, November 19, 2014

i need a husband

I need a husband,
she says to you,
making you squirm in
your chair and look
towards the door.
for what, you ask
her. why do you need
a husband?
I'm just tired, she
says, of doing
everything alone.
the throws her
head back and closes
her eyes as if
she's having stomach
cramps. I want a man
in my life to help
me with things.
money? you say.
no, no, I've got
a job and money.
I just need a man
around the house, you
know what I mean.
nope, cant say that
I do, you tell her
scratching a dry
spot on your shaved
my life would feel
more complete with
a husband. a partner
to share life with
is all I want.
what about the other
husbands you had,
aren't you afraid of
that happening again.
no, she says. not
at all. life without
risks is a life
without pain? you
say filling in the blank
of her unfinished
sentence. no, no.
joy, life without
joy. oh, right.
that's what I almost
said. well, go get one
then. I will she says.
I will. after the first
of the year and I lose
ten pounds, plus
I need to get my
hair done and my
daughter's wedding
is coming up, but
after that, I will.

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