Thursday, October 23, 2014

don't judge me

when I die,
she tells you, you
have to clean out
my closets
and everything under
my bed.
promise me that
you'll do that.
promise, say it.
I want you to say
it out loud.
I promise, I promise
to clean out
your closet and
everything under
your bed, you
say, sure, but why?
what are you
hiding? nothing,
she says. don't worry
about it. just don't
judge me, okay?
the green plastic
trash bags are
under the sink,
and you know where
I hide my extra
key? right? yes,
yes, you tell her.
okay, now shake on
it. you put your
hand out and she
shakes your hand
firmly, then says
whew. that's a load
off my mind.

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