Thursday, July 17, 2014


you get an invitation
to a wedding.
it's a gay wedding,
but still a wedding
just the same.
two women tying
the knot, so to speak.
the last wedding
you went to was also
a gay wedding, but
with two men tying
the knot, so to speak.
the gifts are a problem.
they have been together
for years, over a decade,
so blenders are out.
a mr. coffee machine,
forget about it.
they have everything
any adult needs to have.
the invitation says
no gifts, but you know
how that goes.
you'd be the only person
attending without one.
dress is casual, but
do they really mean
that, or should you wear
a suit, or a jacket
with a nice shirt
and dress shoes?
is it too hot for a
turtleneck sweater?
you are leaning towards
a light blue seer
sucker number with
a fluffy white shirt,
but you don't want to
draw attention from
the wedding couple.
maybe a nice pair of
khaki shorts with a t-shirt.
so many decisions.

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