Wednesday, May 28, 2014

i got your 4 G

I don't understand
a word
of what you're saying,
she says
over the phone, you
sound like
you are underwater,
gargling, chewing
new phone you yell
out. it's got a security
case so that
if I get it wet
again, it won't
short out like
the last four phones.
it cost a hundred dollars
and I had to
register it on a web
what? what did you
say? it can go down
six feet into a pool
of water you yell
into a part of the phone
that might be the speaker.
no, it's too cold, she
says. too cold for
the pool today.
do you have a land
line, she says. call
me back on that. or
text me later. I'm
driving now. but let's
try to get together
later, okay. what?
you say? gotta go,
another call is coming
through, I think, or
my ear just changed
the settings to airplane
mode, or something.

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