Monday, March 24, 2014

did you find everything you want?

people are not
shopping at the trader
joe's store,
no, they are studying
the packages.
taking their time,
reading the calorie
count, where
that chicken was
raised, the salt
within the nuts.
how long will this
bread need to bake.
the aisles are clogged
with men and women
in clogs. hand
lists in their hands,
proud of their grey
locks, pony tailed
and serious about
their food.
it's a stress filled
cheerful place, with
bells ringing,
the help almost
humming, or singing
to the music
that's playing
your song. someday
you'll figure
out how to check
out, where to push
your cart, where
does the line
begin, or end.

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