Saturday, January 18, 2014

the break up line

you remember a break
up line
a girl gave
you a long time
it stuck with you
mud to a shoe,
on a sweater, well,
you get the idea.
but she said,
I want to see if
I miss you, so let's
not talk for awhile,
or see each other.
let's take a nice
break and see
if that works, see
if I miss you,
she said. let's see
if our love is for real?
but for how long?
you asked, crushed
and hurt by this.
I don't know, she
said, let's just see
what happens when
we don't communicate
for awhile. okay?
you shrugged and cursed
beneath your breath,
but walked away without
a fight, which made
her relieved and
happy. when you
turned back around for
one last look,
she was skipping
down the sidewalk,
so far she didn't seem
to be missing
you too much.

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