Friday, January 24, 2014

send me some pictures

your father
tells you to send him
some pictures.
his photo albums
have stopped mysteriously
at the year 2000.
he doesn't understand
that all the pictures
are now stuck
in our phones
and computers.
send me a picture
of that grandson
of mine, he says.
no one sends me
pictures anymore.
you tell him to
buy a computer, which
is not unlike
telling him to
invent a computer.
I don't type he
says. it hurts my
eyes to stare at that
bright screen.
does it cost extra or
can I just plug it in.
both, you tell him.
just send a picture.
why can't you do that.
I haven't had a picture
from you in over
ten years.
you get exhausted
by the conversation.
can you buy a cell phone,
you ask him.
I can send you pictures
that way. I already have a
phone he says, jesus,
mary and joseph,
why do I need another
one. I have an extension
in the kitchen too.
I can pull the long
cord way out to the patio.
I'm doing it now.
you hear things getting knocked
over as he moves
out to the patio.
then he starts talking
to his neighbor.
I've got my son on
the phone, he yells.
he won't send me any
pictures. what?
your's either? what
the hell is wrong with
these kids.

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