Monday, November 11, 2013

the number two pencil

the number two
rules the world.
each test
with curled
nervous hands.
they get
stuck behind
an ear, or nibbled
upon with
chattering teeth as
one ponders
the answer
to a tough question.
long and thin,
school bus yellow,
the number two
is the only
one to use.
too bad for number one
or three, or
four if they
even do exist.
where are they?
stuck in some dusty
boxes in a warehouse?
never being called
who knows, who
cares about those
loser pencils.
just give me
a number two pencil
with a good
eraser and i'm
good to go.

1 comment:

Sara Leigh said...

Yes, the workhorse of the pencil world. Artists, however, know the world of pencils. The higher the number, the harder the lead, the finer the line. I love the world of pencils. Oh, sorry. I got carried away.