Saturday, November 2, 2013

loretta's in the pool

a detective comes
to your house, he
has a boxer's nose,
you can see as you both
look through the peep
hole at the same time.
he knocks hard
and decisively, again
and again, on your door,
drowsily, you open it up,
peering out into
the early morning sun.
yes, you say, can I
help you. he holds out his
badge and identification,
i need to ask you a
few questions, he says,
pushing his way in,
sure you say, sure.
what? what questions?
can i sit, he says.
sure, you say, pointing
at the table. sit down.
i'm having coffee, care
for a cup. he takes his
hat off and sits
at the table,
black he says,
pulling out a folder
of photos.
you bring him his coffee
and sit down with him
at the table. what's this
all about, you ask
squinting over
the edge of your hot
cup. he slides the folder
in front of you,
showing you a large
glossy photo of a man
sleeping in a lounge
chair near a pool.
do you recognize this man,
you laugh, sure i do.
that's me. who took
this picture, it's me.
we can't find him, he
says. we've looked everywhere.
you laugh again. i'm him.
you found your man.
that's me in the picture.
we suspect foul play,
he says, so if you have
any information, please
feel free to tell us.
but i'm him, i am the guy
in the photo. don't you
see? we think a woman may
be involved, a brunette
with a scar on her cheek.
a tattoo of a rose on
her ankle. her name might
be loretta.
oh, yeah, i used to date
her. she tried to cut
me once with a steak knife
and once sprinkled rat
poison in my scrambled eggs.
crazy as a loon.
well, she's on the run too.
both of them. they may
have robbed a bank
together. look, you tell
him, that is me, and i'm
alive and i haven't seen
that woman in years. i would
never rob a bank, so let's
just quit this charade and
end this. i must ask you to
leave, I have to go to work.
you have a pool? he asks.
yes, out back. may i take
a look? sure, be my guest,
but then you have to leave,
unless you have a warrant.
I really have to get to work.
he walks over to the sliding
glass door and looks out
at the pool.
who's that floating
in the pool, he says, lighting
a cigarette. you rush over
and pull back the curtain.
i don't know, but it looks
like Loretta. what the hell?
we need to fish her
out, he says. get her
down to the lab.
go ahead son, go about your
day, go to work.
i'll have the boys come
in and comb the place for
prints and evidence. we
know where to find you.
i'm going to leave
a photo of this man
with you, and if you
see him, call me at
my number, here's my
card. the second you see
this man, call me, don't take
any chances, he's very
dangerous. you shake your head.
sure, you say, whatever.

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