Tuesday, November 19, 2013

fools gold

the talk comes
around to money.
what's left.
who will pay for what.
who will chip
in and help.
is there any
in a jar, in a hole
dug deep
within the cold
who has the money.
where is the secret
bank account.
where and when
will the money show.
is it real
money, or loose
change between the
fallen coins
with heads or
tails showing up.
some come with shovels
in hand,
others, with
flashlights to scour
the cupboards,
the floor boards
that they pry open
with hopeful tools.
where is the money?

1 comment:

Sara Leigh said...

Look in all the handbags, wallets, eyeglass cases, changepurses, between the pages of the books on the shelves. There's where the hidden stash will be.