Friday, September 27, 2013

fear seminar

you over come
your fears
by doing what
you fear most
the speaker says
as he prances
around the room
like a peacock
in full bloom.
by doing the things
you are most
afraid of will
free your spirit
and allow you
to become the person
you were meant
to be. but,
you think to
yourself, squirming
in your hundred
dollar seat,
you are not going
to jump out
of a plane,
or wrestle sharks,
handle snakes,
bungee jump,
or get married
again, so why are you
to this fool
in an oily suit
with shiny white

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last on the list is usually the most feared .It is not as abstract like handling snakes. It is part of the every day world. The fears that we have, that hold us back usually are part of every day life. The speaker has a valid point.