Thursday, May 9, 2013

you don't want to know

the news man
starts off his broadcast
talking about
a nine car accident
in the fog off route
fifty, but then shakes
his head as he
reads the copy and
looks up into the camera.
i'd continue, he says,
but you don't want to
know. seems there was
a spill too. oil truck,
and then a fire,
which caught to an
orphanage nearby,
and well, ummm, you
don't want to know.
how about some weather,
bill, when's this
sun ever going to come
out. you don't want
to know, the weatherman
says, as he stands
there with an umbrella
and slick yellow boots.
seems like forty days
and forty nights
might be in order.
start building an ark.
not to mention the flooding,
well, I should stop
right there. you
don't want to know.
let's go to the sports.
Jeannie, how'd all
our local teams do
today. oh, she says.
you don't want to know.

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