Monday, April 29, 2013


you buy three one
dollar mega million
lottery tickets from
the local
seven eleven. the man
behind the counter
in his striped
orange and red
shirt says, good
luck to you mister.
you begin to imagine
winning a hundred million,
cashing out
for a mere 60 million.
you think of all
the people you will
help, all the people
you will snub
but let know in a
grandiose way of your
great luck
and now superior
change in social status.
your imagination
runs wild with what
you will purchase.
the cars, the boats,
the houses. you've always
wanted a hot tub
full of bikini clad
run way models. already,
you see the problem
with this money, how
it's changed you.
you are embarrassed for
your Caligula like
tendencies after winning
so much.
so when the numbers
come out on Tuesday
night, as you stand
in the kitchen in
your underwear while
making a tuna sandwich,
you are relieved
and happy that not
a single number on
your slip of paper
is called.

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