Friday, February 8, 2013

call me when you break up with him

my new boyfriend,
she says
is taking me to a
play on saturday.
then we're
going to dinner
in chinatown
for some crispy beef,
and in the morning
at la escargot.
that afternoon,
if it's not raining
we'll take
a long walk
around the zoo.
hand in hand.
he calls me sugarplum
and i call him
stud muffin.
we do ice skating
on tuesday and
play scrabble
until midnight
on thursday.
and just about
every day and night
that we're together
we have
lot and lots
of wild sex.
sometimes we dress
up like roman
gods and goddesses
pretending to....
okay, okay,
you tell her putting
your hand up. stop.
stop talking.
i hate the both
of you.
i have to go home
now to walk
my dog. call me
when you break up.

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