Friday, December 14, 2012

cranberry cakes

the end
of the world
is coming soon,
your barista
tells you as he
fixes you
an extra hot
grande vanilla latte
with whipped
cream. you sort of
believe everything
he says now
because of his
forecast of rain
the other day.
it poured.
don't say
i didn't warn you,
he says, adjusting
his lip rings
and santa hat.
are you having
any specials that
morning, you ask
him, since
it's the end of
the world and all?
i'm not sure, he
says, but it makes
sense. my manager
comes in at
five, i'll run it
by her and let
you know the next
time you come in.
by the way, those
cranberry cakes are
two for one today.

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