Thursday, October 25, 2012

the horror, the horror

inspired by the film
snakes on a plane
you go into
the business of making
movies. you buy
a black beret and
find a used
camera on e bay.
rats on a train
is your first endeavor,
people in the audience
actually lifted
their feets when
the first swarm of rodents
ran between the seats.
bedbugs in new york
was your next
feature film. low budget
with no special
effects necessary.
bats in the attic
was followed by squirrels
in your pants,
more of a comedy
than it was a thriller,
and then mice
in the cupboards
appeared. weak to
say the least.
after a brief break to
energize your creative
juices you came up
with the next movie.
alligators in an elevator.
ten  gallons of
ketchup and a hundred
live chickens were used
in that one,
but your best and
most critically acclaimed
was stuck in walmart
on christmas eve.
a nail biter for sure.
stranded with no way out.
the horror, the horror.

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