Monday, October 22, 2012

the debate

you are such
a stinking liar,
no you are.
i can't believe you
said that
when just the other
day you said
entirely different.
why are you
laughing. i'm
not laughing,
i'm smirking.
you haven't told
the truth about
one  single thing. i beg
to differ, but you
are the one
who keeps
flip flopping on
the issues.
yeah right. you
make me sick with
your lying. you
are such a phony.
me a phony?
have you taken a look
in the mirror lately.
go take a look
and see what a
phony baloney
liar really looks like.
pfffft. you make
me so sick. i think
i need a paper bag
to throw up in.
oh really now, well
speaking of bags,
go throw up on your
wife. come here
and say that, punk.
i'm gonna kick your
little pansy......
okay, our time is up.
we thank our esteemed
for this intellectual
and insightful debate.
i'm sure the voters
are looking forward
to this years election.
good luck gentlemen.

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