Tuesday, October 30, 2012

divorce court

after the lawyers have
decided that you are
very close to draining
your bank account
they, hers and yours,
agree over lunch to settle.
so you take everything
you own.
every thing you've
ever possessed
and bring it into
the court room.
each dollar you've saved
and have left.
every penny
in a jar.
the car, the house.
the books.
the couch, everything
gets piled into the middle
of the room.
the judge puts his fingers
into his ears as
you both go on and on
about who did what,
who lied, who cheated,
who was an evil
horrible person. finally
after you've exhausted
yourself from saying
the same things
you've been saying for over
a year to your friends
and family someone comes
along with a chain
saw. let's call them
lawyers and cuts
all of the junk in half.
another person plows
your half towards you
and the other half
towards your soon to
be ex wife.
the judge then slaps
his hands together
and says, there you go.
now get out of here
and leave each other
alone. it's over. next.

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