Sunday, August 12, 2012

fifty meets thirty

i see by your horoscope
that you like to live on the edge.
is that true, she asks.
are you a rebel.
so true, you tell her.
in fact i am on the edge
of town, near the railroad
tracks. i'm quite edgy
that way. my middle
name is james dean.
quite rebellious. who is
that. is he a neighbor
of yours. yes, you tell
her., crossing your eyes.
and pointing your body
towards the door.
he died at an early age.
oh, that's so sad. it must
have been hard for you.
was he a close friend.
did you friend him on
facebook. no, you tell her.
he was too much of a rebel.
he would never have
joined such a silly site.
wow, that is edgy, she says.
well. hey. i gotta go.
see you around. i have
to go get a tatto today. oh,
me too, she says, can we
go together. no, you
tell her. i need to be alone.
which makes her swoon.

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