Monday, July 2, 2012

the seventies bush

your neighbor
wants to cut down
the bush in front
of your house.
it's ugly, she says,
i'm sorry, but i think
you should, or we
should take it out
of the ground
and replace it with
something more
up to date.
it's so seventies,
that kind of bush.
she brushes strands
of hair out of her
eyes from the blonde
loaf that tilts on
top of her head.
she scratches
at a tattoo of a pink
tongue on
her tanned
and surreal sized
breasts. she squints
at you, waiting
for a response.
the seventies,
you say out loud.
you think
of polyester, and
disco. of white
suits and blue
eye shadow. you think
of kc and the sunshine
band. you
aren't sure why your
bush is from that
era. to you it's green
and bushy, full
of bees and bugs.  but
sure, you tell her, go
ahead, cut it out and
put something hip
and modern in.
i'm nothing
if not a hipster with
my foilage,
and i'm
certainly willing
to change with
the times.

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