Sunday, July 8, 2012


you give your mom
the weekly call to see
how's she doing.
oh, i'm really really
busy. did you see
my tweets this week.
what? my tweets.
i'm having my bunions
looked at by
a podiatrist in elkridge
on monday, and i
won at bingo on saturday
night when i went
to the firehouse
with beth and myrtle.
hmmm, you say. how
much. fifty bucks, she
says and if you
had been following my
tweets, you'd know
all this. sorry, you tell
her. hold on, she says.
i'm putting a blueberry pie
on the window sill
to cool and i have
to tweet this. there.
i have over ten followers
she says. do you want
to follow me too
to see what your mom
is up to? no mom,
that's okay. hold on
she says, i'm tweeting
that you are joining
my account.

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