Tuesday, July 3, 2012

friend me

a stranger finds you
on facebook. he says
his name is george.
remember me?
no, you tell him. i don't
know any georges.
but we were best
friends for a while
in highschool.
lab partners in biology.
remember that frog
we disected together?
we pulled his tongue out
and stuck a pin in
it to hold it down.
no, you say again. well
can we be friends
now, he says, can
you friend me? no you
tell him, continuing
with your theme of no.
but you signed my year
book, and said, i'll never
forget the fun times
we had in shop class.
let's stay in touch.
no, you repeat and if
i said that, well, i've
changed my mind.
but before you
delete and block him
until the sun expires
you ask him whatever
happened to that girl
mary margaret puglisi
with the big brown
eyes and dark hair
who used to sit behind
him in third period
english and always wore
that purple sweater?

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