Friday, October 21, 2011

six across, the goddess of love

an old man
without his shirt,
back in his
soft chair,
the grey
tuffs of his
chest, tanned
and in the sun
his black
glasses on.
the paper
folded with
an unfinished
puzzle in
his lap as he
dozes with
pen in hand,
and a word he
used to know
left somewhere
on the tip
of his tongue.


Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw the title of the poem 3 names came to my mind : Aphrodite, Venus, Freya! Then I surfed the Net and found more names - Ishtar, Inanna, Ashtart, Hathor, Isis! Which one fitted the puzzle?

Sam Grisham said...

another beautifully rendered work in six across, the goddess of love ... u are such a painter!