Saturday, September 3, 2011


you get called up
for jury duty and
take the day off
from work and go
down to the courthouse
in a black suit.
you go through
the process of
being qualified
and you tell the man
that you think
everyone is guilty
of something, if not
the crime they are
being tried for,
then something else.
it's just a matter
of time before everyone
finds out what you've
done or haven't done.
you haven't spoken
to my ex-wife, have
you? you blurt out.
you are sweating,
and so you loosen
the tie around your
neck, your shirt is
soaked. you tap your
fingers fidgeting,
you can't keep your
feet still. we're
just seeing if you
qualify to be a juror,
you're not on trial
here mister, the
man says. good, you
say, and finally make
eye contact with him.
you were almost
ready to confess
to throw yourself onto
the mercy of the
courty. you wipe
your brow, and
nervously step down.
don't worry, he
says, we won't be
calling you anytime
soon. whew, you say.
that was a close call.

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